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Overcoming Self-Sabotage & Moving Through Burnout to Amplify Your Results in Business & Career


Why do you want to Design Your Life with Self-Mastery (DYLSM)?


Whatever it is you are wanting to accomplish, whether it is to change careers, to amplify results in your business, achieve good grades…we need to master some foundational work.


Your business and your career is your life and we need to master areas in your life which could be holding you back. How do you live what lights you up? What really matters to you? What areas in your wellbeing and self care do you know about but are not consciously or deliberately doing? Are there automatic patterns you go to everyday? I will show you how to get more awareness of these automatic modes and to resolve triggers and how to recalibrate so that it becomes different. At the end of this these masterclasses, you will learn about yourself more, the facades which are holding you back, how to be your own Zen master and approach your day with ease, wellness and create a life you love in your career and/or business.


When I was unhappy in one of my corporate jobs and wanted to pivot in my career, I used to go on autopilot mode and automatic thought patterns like “I am always so busy and in catch up mode and don’t have time to add anything else to my calendar”. I thought it was normal and my thing was “I’m always just a busy girl with lots to do so there is no time to think about that change in career, plus there’s probably nothing amazing to do out there anyway and it’s all the same.” So I kept working in the same role and became more miserable but the auto pilot mode kept going for days. Have you ever felt or done this?  Have you been hard wired to keep yourself safe?


Maybe you are triggered by certain things but do not work on resolving them and hoping they will go away. Maybe you want to start a side hustle or business but you keep procrastinating and waiting for that perfect month to do it, and then when you do start, it only lasts a short time before you say “I need to wait till things are more perfect again in my life before I start again.”


Do you compromise your values or dismiss compliments and keep turning down opportunities you feel that you don’t deserve?


Perhaps you acknowledge something that you genuinely want and believe is good for you but then you do things that directly conflict with that intention, such as pushing out deadlines until you’re in a state of panic and chaos trying to finish everything at the last minute.


Perhaps you have fought for something you really wanted and when you get there, you destroy it somehow.


On top of these, you wake up every day feeling one or more of the below:


  • That today is a bad day

  • Decreased satisfaction and sense of accomplishment

  • Tired, drained and exhausted

  • Unwell with headaches or muscle pain

  • The majority of your day is spent on tasks you find overwhelming or mind-numbingly dull

  • Like nothing you do makes a difference or is appreciated

  • Detached and/or alone

  • A sense of helplessness, being trapped, defeated, a failure and self-doubt

  • Caring about your work or home life seems like a total waste of energy

  • Taking out your frustrations on others

  • Taking longer to get things done or procrastinating.


If you are at this point either leaning in as you are curious or resonating with some of these points, then the first two parts of my DYLSM series will help you overcome this destructive loop of self-sabotage and move through burnout so that you can start living a life that brings a sense of joy and the satisfaction that comes from working toward and achieving goals that you want. Let’s lean in even further….


These 2 masterclasses are ideal for any online coach, business owner or professional who is looking for better ways to stop self-sabotage and burnout while building their businesses or working in their careers.


What the 2 x 75minutes will cover:


  • We will look at the self-sabotage thought patterns and behaviours that hold you back and prevent you from doing what you want to do. We will walk through what it looks like and how to recognise them, what causes it and tips for overcoming it.

  • We will look at what burnout is, learning the signs and symptoms of it (physical, emotional, behavioural)

  • Understanding the difference between stress and burnout

  • Link between feeling uninspired in your business /work and alignment and tips to stop self-sabotaging yourself through burnout

  • Go deeper to examine the link between self-sabotage, burnout and missed opportunities

  • Breathwork to get you started on building deep breathing habits to help with anxiety and stress

  • Lifetime access to the masterclass and any resources provided in the session or any new resources added to these topics.


A quick hello from me...


I'm Natalie Tran and I'm a Mindset and Business Coach specialising in helping purpose driven women to build successful brands, careers and businesses with ease and without sacrificing their wellbeing.


Having navigated several career transitions myself, I do not believe in being boxed in to just having one role or title and that it’s okay to be multi-passionate, in fact it’s more than okay! I enjoy coaching and supporting clients to connect to their sense of purpose and to gain clarity to grow their businesses or to pivot to a more meaningful career that better aligns to their unique skills, interests, experience, goals and values. 

I am passionate about and known for supporting my clients holistically through my coaching work with core focus areas around self-awareness, resilience, wellbeing (physical and mental), energy management, self-care and having a positive and growth mindset.


With Love & Calm,

Natalie xx





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