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Natalie Tran

Do you use your natural strengths in your work?

Updated: Aug 31, 2021

The Importance of Knowing and Understanding your Strengths in your Career

“Play to your strengths.”

“I haven’t got any,” said Harry, before he could stop himself.

“Excuse me,” growled Moody, “you’ve got strengths if I say you’ve got them. Think now. What are you best at?” J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Having navigated a number of career transitions, I know what it feels like to work in a role which doesn’t allow you to use your natural or signature strengths on a regular basis or when the environment is not the right fit. This leads to being unfulfilled and feeling drained most days. Looking back at it now, it is obvious as I was not able to use many of my natural strengths in environments which did not support me.

There is power in self awareness and in knowing your strengths. However, a number of research surveys have shown that many people do not have meaningful awareness of their strengths. Do you take your natural strengths for granted? Maybe you assume that your strengths come naturally to everyone (because they come so naturally to you) but this is simply not true. You are your unique self with unique strengths, values and interests. One of the first things a career coach works on first is opening or deepening your self awareness of your strengths, interests and values. Why is it so important that this is the first step?

As a career coach I often get asked why we do this reflection first. This first step allows you to understand where your natural strengths lie and how you can use them more in your current role or seek future roles which allow you to use them so that you can be more engaged, energised and impactful. You understand what you love to do and when you are at your best. Very often, not reaching your full potential is a result of working in a role which does not align to your natural strengths, abilities and interests. I want to share with you below what playing to your strengths and being in alignment feels like:

• You feel engaged

• You feel more energised (and not drained)

• When work comes naturally or easy

• You feel in ‘flow’ (you lose track of time with what you are doing)

• You do not feel like you are always swimming upstream

• You feel like you could use those strengths all day

• You feel like you are contributing impactfully

• You feel more confident

Whether you are working in your current role, in transition mode or starting out in your career, do not ignore the things you do best and take the time to reflect and understand your strengths. My question or journal prompt for you today is below and I would love to hear your comments on this.

“What are my strengths and super powers?”


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