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Navigating the Identity Boomerang & Self-Sabotage in Your 9-5 to Business Transition

Any transition, including the transition from a 9-5 to your own business is thrilling.

But it's also a minefield of self-sabotage traps.

In my recent post, I discussed the LIMINAL stage.

The in-between phase where you've outgrown your current role, business and maybe social circle.

This is a critical time for growth or self-sabotage.

In this stage, you can experience:

  • Uncertainty and potential.

  • Feelings of being stuck or restless.

  • A choice between growth or fear.

This is where your beliefs about yourself are tested.

Self-image becomes crucial.

It's the stage where you can redefine your identity.

The Identity Boomerang

This is where the Identity Boomerang comes into play.

Here's what could happen:

  • You launch a project or business.

  • Common fears arise: "I'm not good enough."

  • You start making progress and some success happens.

But then...

  • Self-doubt creeps in: "I don't deserve this."

  • Subconscious beliefs trigger: "I'm not ready."

  • You begin to self-sabotage.

Boom! You shut it down.

You stop promoting yourself.

Confidence dwindles.

Sound familiar?

It's a pattern many face in transitions.

4 Flavours of Self Sabotage

Understanding how self-sabotage manifests can help you navigate this phase effectively.

In my experience there are 4 Flavours of Self-Sabotage:

  1. Distraction

    • You avoid focusing on your goals.

    • You feel disembodied, not present.

  2. Dissing

    • Negative self-talk takes over.

    • You constantly criticize yourself.

  3. Denial

    • You ignore your achievements.

    • You fail to acknowledge progress.

  4. Drama

    • You create chaos unnecessarily.

    • You thrive in creating issues.

What Beliefs Do These Represent?

  • Always making excuses and procrastinating:

    • You may get excited about a goal, but you never start.

    • Instead, you keep the procrastination pattern going.

  • Always starting something new but never finishing:

    • You like the idea but lack consistent action to create and realize the dream.

  • Being indecisive & waiting for everything to be perfect before you make a decision:

    • You want to start but wait for the perfect moment and end up doing nothing.

  • Being distracted & avoiding showing up:

    • You think you need more healing or courses but never implement anything.

Core Subconscious Beliefs/Fears

The above represent our core subconscious beliefs and fears based on our

Core Subconscious Desires:

  • I want to belong

  • I want to feel safe

  • I am enough.

What if:

  • It's all a fluke?

  • I can't have it all? I don’t deserve the success?

  • I will be punished or suffer somehow?

  • It triggers my friends or family?

  • I can't sustain it or hold space for it?

  • I still feel unfulfilled?

  • I get called out or publicly "taken down"?

  • I have too many responsibilities?

  • I let down/disappoint my clients?

  • It all crumbles and falls apart?

  • I burn out again?

  • My kids and family resent me?

  • I have to pay for everything?

  • Someone takes advantage of me?

How to Overcome Self-Sabotage

  1. Acknowledge Your Fears

    • Identify what scares you about success.

    • Write them down.

  2. Challenge Your Beliefs

    • Are these beliefs true?

    • Question their validity.

  3. Take Small Steps

    • Break your goals into tiny actions.

    • Celebrate each win.

  4. Surround Yourself with Support

    • Find a mentor or a supportive community.

    • Share your journey.

  5. Practice Self-Compassion

    • Be kind to yourself.

    • Acknowledge your efforts.

  6. Visualize Success

    • See yourself thriving.

    • Feel the emotions of success.

  7. Reframe Setbacks

    • View them as learning experiences.

    • Adjust and move forward.

Tips to Move the Energy of Self-Sabotage

  • Journal to the Future You

    • Your highest self has answers.

    • Write about what you are allowing and becoming now.

  • Mirror Work

    • "I deeply and completely love, accept, and respect who I am."

  • Match Your Vision with Reward

    • If you’re ready to earn $10k a month, take time off when you get some money in.

    • Reward yourself as part of your vision for more time.

Remember, growth happens outside the comfort zone.

A new level of you is required for your success.

What's your biggest fear in your transition?

Reply to this email to let me know.

Love & Light,


P.S. if you are thinking of making a smooth, soulful and successful transition into business to earn your first $10k, reply "SOULFUL" for an application form for The New Group Mentorship "POWERUP YOUR TRANSITION TO BUSINESS"❤️


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