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Natalie Tran

What will make 2022 your best growth year ever? (Part I)

I wanted to pop into your inbox today to check on whether you have started planning for 2022. If you haven’t yet, now is the perfect time. 2021 has been overwhelming for many and it may feel like we are sliding with fatigue towards the finish line of the festive season.

So why should you bother to plan your new year now, rather than wait until December and January?

The last thing you want to do is to feel more overwhelmed in December and January as you feel the pressure of the new year and as the holiday season comes to an end. Conscious planning requires time you set aside with intention and requires establishing a number of steps which are easier when they are broken down and spaced out.

The first thing you need to do is reflect. Reflection is often underutilised as a tool. Reflection allows you to gain perspective and insight, get curious, as well as clarify your thoughts. Self-reflection is a critical tool for your own personal and professional development.

Let’s get started with some reflection:

Thinking about your 2021:

  1. List the strengths that you demonstrated

  2. Which of these strengths would be useful for you to carry forward to 2022?

  3. What new things have you learned?

  4. What did you find easy?

  5. What challenged you?

  6. What did not align with your values?

Now for another tool to get the juices flowing as we head towards the end of 2021:

I have three prompts for you to start writing on. Find 10-20 minutes of quiet time without any distractions and I want you to write without editing and without judgement. Use these prompts to dream and brainstorm.

  1. “Wouldn’t it be cool if…?”

  2. “What do I want to do more of?”

  3. “What do I want to do less of?”

Stay tuned for Part II in my December newsletter.

Finally, if you would like to explore any of the above in more detail, you can book a discovery call with me.


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