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Natalie Tran

What will make 2022 your best growth year ever? (Part II)

Updated: Jan 11, 2022

Last month I shared some simple tools for you to reflect on the past year and to start thinking about what strengths you can carry forward into the new year. I also got you started on some brainstorming around what could be possible and what you want to achieve for 2022.

A vision is simply your desired future. It engages your heart and mind towards living your purpose and research has shown that purpose drives performance so a strong sense of purpose will act as a compass to help you make decisions and to guide you, in particularly during difficult times. In a nutshell your purpose is your why and your vision is your aspiration.

Here are some questions to help you design your vision for 2022 and meaningful goals to help you achieve it. Find 10-20 minutes of quiet time without any distractions and I want you to write without editing and without judgement and to be as honest and vulnerable with yourself as possible:

  • What am I thinking, feeling and sensing right now?

  • What is my vision for my best growth year in 2022? You can write or draw this vision in as much detail as possible. You can also create a mood board.

  • What would it take for me to achieve this vision? What would I need to be thinking, doing and feeling?

  • How can I make this happen?

Here’s an example of this process (and actually one of mine) to share with you:

  • I am feeling a little stuck on how I can grow my business and create meaningful content in 2022 for my clients. It does not feel like it is flowing. What would my clients benefit from to have a growth year? How can I help them?

  • It’s ok to feel this way and I accept these feelings. But what if feeling stuck means I am ready to be more bold to take on new ideas and ready to find solutions to create amazing content I can share.

  • My vision is to create some on-line modules to help my clients find their flow and use their strengths to create a life they love.

  • What does my online course creation look like for me in 2022? What are the main milestones? What resources will I need to tap into? Do I want to collaborate with anyone?

  • I want to create one course each quarter and play with themes which will tie together.

As you can see from a small sample of my own vision setting it will help me to start formulating goals to help me achieve it. You can write whatever is flowing – no editing or judgement required. Now it’s your turn!

If you would like support building your 2022 vision, please get in touch.

Wishing you a wonderful day!



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