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Natalie Tran

Why is Purpose Important?

This month I want to talk to you about purpose. Purpose can be a confusing term that is often used to mean anything from passions, values to intentions and there are even formulas for it, combining various elements.

Maybe it is simpler to ask yourself this: Have you ever strived and worked really hard for something and experienced only relief when you achieved it? I believe that’s what you can experience when your goals are not aligned with your purpose.

Here are a few other things on purpose I want to share with you:

  1. Purpose is unique for everyone. No one can tell you what your purpose is – it is yours and yours alone to find

  2. Your purpose is an internal motivation that goes beyond a desire to make money, get fame and fortune i.e. It is the driving force or reasons you get up in the morning

  3. Your purpose can shift and change throughout life, as you learn and develop and as the circumstances, experiences and needs around you change

  4. It does not have to be grand

  5. Having purpose is meaningless if you don't act on it

  6. Purpose drives performance

  7. If your thoughts, actions and behaviours are aligned with your purpose, they will deliver the impact you want.

One very important last thing on purpose – I wholeheartedly believe that having meaning and purpose improves your overall wellbeing, from physical, mental and energetic health plus just about every aspect of your life, including financial prosperity.

Richard Leider in his work provided an equation for purpose as:

G + P +V = P

(gifts + passions +values = purpose)

Do you know the answers to these elements for yourself? And speaking of gifts, I am running a free Master Your Strengths Masterclass next Wednesday 27th April, 7:30pm AEST. Be sure to register here to go on a fun and insightful self-discovery journey with me to learn more about your gifts and strengths.

Big Love,

Natalie xo


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