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Natalie Tran

Your Best Year Yet (Part 2: Your 3 L's & GPS)

Updated: Dec 20, 2023

Now that you have completed your reflection let's look at what you would like to achieve in 2024.

I have put together a plan for you in the PDF attached.

As my word for 2024 is GROWTH (more on word of the year later), a simple yet effective way to think about adding growth to your year is from focusing on the three L’s which Jay Shetty shared in one of his podcasts. They will help us thrive as humans as they evoke feelings we need to experience as we grow:

What do I want to LEARN this year?

  • Ask what are you committed to learn this year? Is it a new skill for work or a personal one such as swimming, a language, or an instrument? You can then think about what coaching, mentorship, courses etc to learn it

  • When you learn something new it gives you the feeling of improvement and growth

What do I want to LAUNCH this year?

  • Is it a new side hustle or business, a book/ book club, a YouTube channel, a podcast, a community hub to share something, a new job or career?

  • When you launch something, it brings you nerves, excitement and enthusiasm

What do I want to LOVE this year?

  • This question is about bringing you back to think about what you enjoy and love doing. Are you doing something that you deeply love?

  • When you are doing something that you love it brings you joy and happiness.

Once you are clear on your 3 L's we will use Gary Keller's GPS model to set our priorities and strategies against each of the goal. This GPS model makes things easier for us so that we will only focus on things which will get us to the goal and not get distracted by shiny things or operate from a "to do" list which does not contribute to things which matter.

For example, if my goal is to launch a podcast in June 2024, brainstorm 3 priorities and for each priority, list 5 strategic tasks against it.

Goal: Launch "My Health" Podcast by June 2024

Priority 1: Self Produced/ Use Podcast Producer?


  1. SWOT of pro's/ con's of self produced/ have professional podcast producer

  2. Research & Compare Costs

  3. Ask my level 3 network who has a podcast for some advice

  4. Analysis on how this sits with existing work for biz/ job

  5. Reach out to 3 podcast producers to check their packages

You may need to add more strategic tasks as you progress through the year.

In this example, what's left is completing priority 2 and 3 for this goal of launching a podcast and 5 strategies for each priority.

For fans of having a "word of the year", pick a word which provides an anchor and encourages you to consciously (and subconsciously) consider this focus word when making decisions in 2024.

It may help to think about what you want more of and what you want less of in your life. It might be a theme or overarching focus for your year ahead – either way, it’s an exciting way to set your intention for the year ahead.

I will share in a separate article on how to make your "word of the year" really stick in 2024.

Explore and articulate your 3 L’s this month and please share them with me. If you would like support to explore your growth in 2024, you're welcome to shoot me an email or book a call.

I wish you a beautiful day!



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