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Hi, I’m Natalie


I’m on a mission to help you to deeply connect with your unique strengths and gifts to contribute to this world. When you do this you feel energised, clarity and empowered to work from an authentic space to bring your best self to work and home.


Growing up, I’ve always been curious about how people thrive and perform. I am fascinated by what makes people genuinely happy and successful, as well as fulfilled from a creative space. For as long as I can remember I was also passionate about many things which did not really seem to be connected such as writing, design, psychology, fitness, creativity and leadership just to name a few.


I then started my graduate job as a Chartered Accountant in a Big 4 firm and made several career transitions in the corporate world trying to find that alignment. Along the way there was always this question and some angst trying to choose just one thing to be in life. I felt it was a liability that I didn’t have clarity to do just one thing. Fast forwarding a number of years later, I realised that my different areas of interests and skills were a strength and not a liability.


I learnt that to thrive and feel energised you need to align to your passion and once you do this you connect to your purpose from where you can operate and serve others in an authentic and meaningful way, inspiring others around you to do the same. There is energy when this happens, not only bringing positive change to your own life, but to your business, families and the world, and you do not need to limit it to just doing only one thing.


I draw on extensive experience in working with global consulting firms and business leadership in corporate organisations and am known for my holistic, energetic and compassionate approach. My coaching work combines neuroscience, positive psychology, wellbeing and mindfulness.


When I'm not working, you will find me practising yoga or Pilates (occasionally teaching as well) and nourishing my creativity through my writing and styling business as a brand rep and ambassador for small Australian businesses. I have also recently co-authored a book with some incredible coaches called “The Art of Self Care: Your Inspiring Guide from Global Wellness Leaders”. My contribution is around experiencing career setbacks and rejection and how to build resilience.


I’m here to help you turn that passion & business vision of yours into an abundant reality!

My coaching programs and style centre around supporting you through a holistic transformation. I draw upon evidence-based techniques from the areas of neuroscience, positive psychology, and mindfulness to select strategies and tools that are specific to you to support your unique journey.


That’s right, we work in strategy, mindset energetics and wellbeing!


Ready to find out more?


"Natalie is an inspiring mentor, coach and leader in the coaching arena. I have no hesitation in recommending Natalie's services to anyone looking at making a positive contribution and difference in their lives."

—  Eric Kostas,Managing Director & Executive Coach

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