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Do You Know Your Values?


Knowing your values can really help you to achieve alignment and fulfilment. When it comes to planning your future career or career direction, it is important to think about what is important to you, what you need and want.


Values can be defined as our underpinning beliefs. They guide us to make decisions and usually have an emotional investment attached to them. Some values remain constant throughout our lives, while others may change over time as we face different situations, environments and phases in our careers and lives.


If you want help identifying your values you can access this free test:  


Based on scientific research behind this test, there are fourteen work values that can be considered fundamental. If you have work in which the work values that you believe are important have ample room, the chance that you will be successful and happy in your work will increase. The extent to which you believe each of the fourteen values is important is reflected in this test.


Answer the following questions once you have completed the test and had time to review and reflect on the results:


  1. Based on your personal values profile, what are your most important values? Did any part of your values profile surprise you?

  2. How have your values been satisfied in your current work or role?

  3. Based on your values profile, what functions/ roles would align with your most important values?

  4. What future functions/ roles would not work well with your most important values?

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